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let's make 2025

the year of

the Glow Up!

sick of navigating all the misinformation online or just doin' it, cos ur bestie did? 
take your period, preconception, pregnancy, postpartum - whatever P camp you're in, in to your own hands.
Your health is unique. 


Hi, I'm Jennalea.


clinical nutritionist

yoga teacher



crossfitter (don't hate me)

wanna-be content creator

your number one hype-girl.

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why work with me?

if you want to be 
rather than left with just doing
it "because I was told this is what ya do".


conceive + care.

The best time to look after your nutrition is always - but particularly for pregnancy - ideally it is 3 months before conceiving.

We cannot control when or how the body will conceive. Whether naturally, through IVF or IUI. But we can control our health habits in the lead up to conceiving.

This plan is designed for those beginning their preconception journey.

To correct nutrient deficiencies, to optimise nutritional status, make lifestyle adjustments with habits and rituals, to get your body and your home ready for pregnancy.

If you fall pregnant while on the plan, perfect! We then ensure your body is getting what it needs each trimester and you feel empowered and educated with your health during your pregnancy!


yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to chane the world.

today, I am wise so I am chanin myself.


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